Pawel Opalinski
Born on February 23, 1967 in Kielce (Poland). A graduate of the Faculty of Graphics and Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódz (Poland) - diploma with honors in the publishing graphics design studio in 2003. Doctorate at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz (Poland) in 2011. Habilitation in 2017 at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Poland). Author of advertising campaigns and graphic designs for many publications - including dozens of press layouts; illustrator and photographer. Member of
the Association of Polish Art Photographers since 2008. In the years 2011-2014 he was the vice-president of the Board of the Swietokrzyskie District of the Association of Polish Art Photographers in Kielce (Poland) and a member of the Artistic Council of the Main Board of Association of Polish Art Photographers in Warsaw (Poland). He shares his design and photographic creativity with his didactic work - at art schools in Poland he conducts his own lectures on design, photography and digital graphics. Lecturer at the
European Academy of Art in Warsaw (Poland), the University of Information Technology in Łódz (Poland) and the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) - where he has been working as a professor since 2018.
His artistic research interests include the emotions of the recipient of a visual message - in which, as the creator, he interacts through a specific code, calculated and shaped for a specific purpose. Searching for innovative forms of photographic expression, he uses his own experimental imaging techniques. A special place in his work is occupied by landscape photography and creative photography. Artistic works, exhibited both in Poland and abroad, have brought the author a number of awards, including in such
prestigious competitions as the International Photography Awards (USA) - 10 awards in the following categories: fine art, documentary and landscape; Paris Photography Prize (France) - in the category The Best Photographic Book of The Year; Mountain Photography Biennial (Poland) - Grand Prix or International Mountain Photography Competition (Poland) - twice Grand Prix and gold medals of the International Federation of Art Photographers (FIAP). The author has also been awarded the Tatra National Park
Award (Poland) twice for popularizing the beauty of Tatra landscapes.
The presented works come from the “War in the Fifth Dimension” cycle, which is a photographic vision of emotions accompanying wars, gathered and recorded on the branches of the timeline - in a place called by scientists the fifth dimension, where it is possible to combine light matter, that is everything that we can observe in the universe, with dark matter. Analyzing the history of the civilization, one can come to the conclusion that as long as man exists, there will be wars. The tragedy of militarism has not spared
any of the twenty civilizations, from the Namer era to the present day. The fate of Sparta, Assyria and the empire of Charlemagne are among the most spectacular examples, but also a warning. And as 2022 shows us - nowadays it is still possible.